Product Hunt Calendar Reminder

Notify and remind top hunter of your upcoming launch

Growth List Product Hunt Launch


A Product Hunt launch must be must be well planned and thought of early on. One step of your preparation journey will be to notify some top hunters a few days in advance of your upcoming launch.

But most hunters have their own day jobs and are super busy people. They are also bombarded with submissions from other people hoping to hit the front page. Even if they agreed to support your product, chances are they will forget to do so if you don't remind them on the day of the launch.

A good way to ensure that hunters who have agreed to support your product actually do so on D-Day is to ask if you can send them a calendar reminder for the day of the launch.

Set the reminder as early as you can in the AM (but don't forget to take into account the time zone differences) and keep a short time slot to avoid being too spammy.