OpenGraph Tags

Get your OpenGraph tags in order
OpenGraph Tags

Almost every social network uses embedded OpenGraph HTML tags to generate link previews so readers can preview page content before they click through to read the post.

Link previews are generated using a small bit of meta-tag code that is included in the <head> of your HTML page. This simple snippet of code tells the social network what image, title, and description to use when a post goes live.</head>

Configuring and testing the tags may require some technical wrench time, but it is worth it; OpenGraph tags can help improve click rates.

If you are using WordPress, the WordPress SEO Plugin by Yoast does an excellent job of making things work for all of the major networks.

If nothing else, you should test how your link preview looks using these handy validation tools:

Almost every social network uses embedded OpenGraph HTML tags to generate link previews so readers can preview page content before they click through to read the post.

Link previews are generated using a small bit of meta-tag code that is included in the <head> of your HTML page. This simple snippet of code tells the social network what image, title, and description to use when a post goes live.</head>

Configuring and testing the tags may require some technical wrench time, but it is worth it; OpenGraph tags can help improve click rates.

If you are using WordPress, the WordPress SEO Plugin by Yoast does an excellent job of making things work for all of the major networks.

If nothing else, you should test how your link preview looks using these handy validation tools:

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