Aha! Moment

Show the value of your product as soon as possible
Aha! Moment

The “A-Ha” moment is the moment the customer starts seeing the value your service adds. From the moment a user signs up, the user experience should be targeted towards getting them to this moment as soon and as smoothly as possible. For this, focus on optimizing your onboarding. Send out instructional content initially to get users acquainted with the service and its features. If your service is more complex, it makes sense to offer free training to the users – people interested in your product will want to learn how it works, and by training them you’re guiding them to the “aha” moment.

The “A-Ha” moment is the moment the customer starts seeing the value your service adds. From the moment a user signs up, the user experience should be targeted towards getting them to this moment as soon and as smoothly as possible. For this, focus on optimizing your onboarding. Send out instructional content initially to get users acquainted with the service and its features. If your service is more complex, it makes sense to offer free training to the users – people interested in your product will want to learn how it works, and by training them you’re guiding them to the “aha” moment.

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